Tuesday, February 16, 2010


wahahaha!!! at the end. i remember 1 thing that automatically done if i damn terribly fragile.
sh0pping!haha..sebenarnya konon2 ad tujuan nk pg mall padahal i want just to walk and see people.
so, fake intention is teman nisa cari kasut.
here two things that caught my attention:
one simple thing that you never ever find in Malaysia is very old couple holding hand. sorang dah tua sgt, gigi pun dh x ada, si isteri pegang tongkat terketar2 nak jalan kat mall 2. met their old friend which was so old, alone and used the walking stick. they stopped in front of me, trying so hard to acknowledge each other, laughing and chatting happily. which then make me thinking, im so energetic, young, healthy, im able to do thing i want without limitation and i cry?? i have all the reasons to be happy and enjoy the life as they did but i failed. i keep torturing myself for the matter that should not ever be cried if i truly believe Allah. i should embrace the life as long as Allah gives me chance to do that. don't easily give up/fed up/blaming the fate or myself. if i do mistake then i need to correct it. no point of crying without making a change. LIFE IS THERE TO BE ENJOYED AS YOU DON'T GO OVER THE LIMIT.
after that, we continued to survey the most cheapest shoe that suited our financial situation at that time. hue..act i got only AUD 20 in my pocket~. We (nisa si excited tgk kasut and i) went to Priceless Shoe Shop and OMG!!! a very2 beautiful shoes yg lebih kurang macam RM128 nike ladies shoes yg sgt diidam sejak 2 thn lalu was sold only for AUD 19!!huu.. even if i convert to RM, it's still RM57~then, we took a breath deeply before decided to survey again if there were any other cheaper shoes than that. penat2 mengelilingi McQ centre utk keberapa kalinya entah, we decided to buy that shoes which have 2 colours: pink and black. and once again, OMG3!!!! the price was reduced to AUD 14! alhamdulillah! we grabbed those and jalan pulang dgn ria mengambil gambar2 di atas rumput2 panjang yg kalau kat Malaysia dh lama kene potong~huhu. so what is the moral value in this story? PATIENT IS IMPORTANT. kan Allah dah cakap bila kamu bersabar dia akan bagi yg lebih baik. so, sila bersabar, tabah dan jangan gundah gelana. jika takdirnya sy dpt kasut itu, sy akan dapat juga ia tetapi dgn lebih bermakna. dan lebih2 dihargai. betul x?
and for my dear girl, im this fragile, im sorry if i worry u. i know that you would love me because of Allah as i also love you just because of that only reason. bimbing sy andai sy melakukan kesalahan tapi jangan hukum dan pandang sy sebegitu rupa. sy syg kamu semua. kerna Allah. demi Allah.
tuhan yg berkuasa membolak-balikkan hati sy, tetapkanlah hati ini pada ketaatan terhadapMU

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