Thursday, November 26, 2015

A little toy that brings joy

Zayd has a little toy

A robocar poli car

which can transform into a robot

u know, how expensive toys nowaday,

we bought him the fake one RM15=.=

sorry Zayd, i'm a cheapskate. bhahah

so, the flaw is its parts are easily 'tertanggal' from its 'soket'

bila nak transform tu tak smooth langsung la kan

asyik tertanggal je

gerakkan sikit, tertanggal.

ganas sikit tertanggal.

but Zayd is really into that toy

so, dia akan main sepanjang mlm with it, 

so bila tertanggal tu,

dia akan bawa semua parts kecik-kecik tu

and go to me


and request me to 'pasangkan semula'

in a night, it can be counted more than 10 attempts i will do that dirty job


and it's the most 'bahagia' feeling i ever have

because i am his hero~

and i

will surely treasure this moment 

when he grows up and needs me no more

to help him fixing his toy


Wednesday, November 04, 2015

kipidap ;p

lately ni rasa penat sangat

hal kerja yang non-stop

yeah, hubby and i kerja tempat sama

so basically kitaorg mmg bincang dan bt kerja sampai nak tido

i pity Zayd T.T

sapa kata kerja jd cg senang sangat,

*meh aku cucuk mata dia dgn garfu

hal mum, nenek, uncles

hal mistik

yang affect my body

i am not well

hubby exhausted and sick


harini TERbaca blog my friend, Ukhti N

gosh, dah jauhnya i pergi

betul sebenarnya, masa kita single la, komitmen kita tak byk sebenarnya

masa tu la sebenarnya nak all out utk Allah

untuk parents especially

bila dah kawin

ada anak ada suami ada komitmen

it's tiring sebab kadang-kadang kita rasa kita buat untuk orang lain

sebenarnya silap

saat kita buat untuk orang lain dgn rasa sgt 'sacrifice' tu la

sebenarnya bertuah sangat kalau kita niatkan

untuk 'Allah'

Kamu tidak berada di dalam satu keadaan dan tidak membaca satu ayat dari Al-Quran dan kamu tidak mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan, melainkan Kami menjadi saksi atasmu di waktu kamu melakukannya. Tidak luput dari pengetahuan Tuhanmu biarpun sebesar zarah (atom) di bumi ataupun langit. Tidak ada yang lebih kecil dan tidak (pula) yang lebih besar dari itu, melainkan (semua tercatat) dalam kitab yang nyata (Luh Mahfuz).

(Surah Yunus: 61)

*thanks Ukhti N

*meleleh air mata MissLoke tau

Thursday, October 01, 2015


i realized i didn't write anything

about abah

abah had passed away


this January


it was terrible and depressing moment for me

for most of us

especially for mum

it's kinda weird that i don't write it down

because yeah, 
this is a sad blog,
mind you.

i realize too much drama behind it
perhaps i don't know how to write it down
perhaps i don't know where to begin

whatever it it
 I swear by Allah's name,
Allah has given me the best 'Abah' i could ask for,
Abah has given me my 'haq' as his daughter
May whatever abah had done for me, 
the efforts of guiding me, protect me, loving me, raising me up

May it become his protector from the hell fire

Monday, August 24, 2015

mom's time-out

being a first-time mommy

it's quiet handful for me

u know

the little one always needs you

in every way, in every side, in every minute

they cannot breath without you

don't take it negative

it's the way they show how much they love you


it's such a relief if you have a great company

who can offer help to take care of your loved one

when you need some time in bathroom, in kitchen, in toilet

it's even better if they allow you 

some me-time

so you can catch up 'yourself'' back

the real you

and help to cast the grumpy and sorrow

you have inside you

o Allah, no wonder it's that high you place the value of a mother,
it's a big sacrifice that they made
for other human being

they sacrifice themselves

Monday, August 03, 2015

The Language in Home

Verbal complaining has become our main medium in expressing dissatisfaction.

Especially when it comes to marriage, between wife and husband.

Don't bluff me by saying 'no, my marriage is just perfect'

Even Rasullulah and Aisha r.a sometimes is having dissatisfaction towards each other.

It is just the matter of how they deal with it. 

They don't spread it to people outside the home

They don't shout at each other

They don't post and correct each other in facebook.

Masuk tahun ke-4 perkahwinan baru saya faham.
Kenapa benar-benar,
Kalau gaduh, perlu kita sorokkan dari pandangan anak-anak
Kalau berasa, harus benar jangan kita luahkan menyindir pada anak-anak
Kalau sedih, harus perlu titis air mata itu jangan negatif pada perspective anak-anak

Kerana perasan atau tidak
Ajaran itu adalah yang pertama dalam membentuk peribadi anak

Kita mengajar mereka tentang bagaimana menghadapi manusia
Expectation, conflict and solution

Jika yang kita ajarkan adalah dengan menghakimi manusia lain pada nilai kita (value system),
Nanti-nanti, maka dia jadi orang yang tidak boleh bertolak ansur dengan kelemahan
Nanti-nanti, yang sempurna hanya dia.
Maka jadinya apa dia nanti?

Jika yang kita ajarkan pada dia, kejamnya kita menghakimi orang yang dia rasa baik,
Nanti-nanti, bagaimana pula 'trust issue'?
Nanti-nanti, percayanya pada yang tersayang tiada, hanya semua insan sekeliling yang kejam
Maka jadinya apa dia nanti?

Jika yang kita ajarkan pada dia, segalanya harus sempurna sebegini rupa,
Nanti-nanti, kalau dia berbuat kesalahan dalam pembelajaran dan kehidupan
Nanti-nanti, mungkin itu juga penyesalan terhadap wujudnya dia
Maka, jadinya apa dia nanti?

Jika yang kita ajarkan pada dia, complaining is the way to solve problem.
Biar benar.
Tepuk otak, dada dan iman kita.
Betul sudahkan kita ini? 

Mungkin saja dia membesar jadi insan bijak yang cemerlang pada pelajaran.
Tetapi, mungkinkah dia..
Doktor yang saban hari membentak orang bawahan dengan kata kesat dan amarah?
Guru yang sering menempelak semua orang sekeliling dan memusnahkan harapan murid?
Arkitek yang mahu membunuh diri kerana gagal mendapatkan projek jutaan ringgit?

Ibu yang mendidik anak yang mengulangi 'cycle' yang sama?
Menambah generasi yang sama?

Yes. It is thinking about thinking.
It is subconscious matter.
It is serious matter.
We may not abuse our children physically but emotionally. Yes. It is still an abuse, mind you.

Mohon, Penderaan ini lebih sukar dikesan, tapi kesannya lebih dalam, lebih panjang. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5th Syawal

Today is Zayd's first birthday

in Hijrah's calendar 




Such a wonderful year

up and down

i mean as me, being a mother


such a wonderful and brilliant child

rarely get sick

satu usus dia get infected
(nothing serious, as he was active as a horse, neighhhh~)

second, demam masa tumbuh gigi

and all are His-blessing

i listened to Nouman Ali Khan's talk about child

Why did Yaakub be tested with not-so soleh children other than Yusuf and Bunyamin while Ibrahim got the most soleh piety sons, Ismail and Ishak, while Nuh got not-at-all soleh child?

the answer issss.....tengtengteng


so, what can i do to  be guaranteed such soleh and solehah children?

NOTHING actually, other that just do your best, be the best muslim and muslimah, be the best parents, do whatever you need to do as a good parent, and the rest?


so if the children do not come out as what we hope, pray and expected, at least we can answer to Allah that we have done our best.

O Allah, allahumma yassir wala tua'ssir
honestly, i am still nervous with this tough job as parent

Allah, terima kasih atas pinjamanMU setahun ini, 
pinjamkan dia padaku lebih lama lagi ya Tuhan.


Friday, February 27, 2015

being a working wife and mother

i am always in doubt


i am a good wife and mother


am i a good employee?


i realize it now

i need to be superwife and supermommy

who they expect me to be

top-class worker

top-class mummy

top-class wife

where tears and dissatisfaction should not be my choice

where i should swallow it everything

and succumb to the expectation

without any argument or struggle


i will always pray to Allah

to keep me in patience and supply me with a lot of energy

supply me with a lot of inner peace, Allah

please, Allah,

.i am running out of it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

my perfect dream

to read 

a novel of jody picoult

in a day

lay on bed all day long

with words dangling on my eyes

i know

it's only a dream, it can't be reality

maybe at least in next 20 years

don't worry, i don't mind
