Thursday, November 11, 2010

problem is my friend =)

.too many things happen in life that Allah has granted for me.

and i keep myself dumb by ignorence and anger. i try to ignore yet they fight me back. and i lost. i lost. i lost.

my head is spinning. with the assignments in row. my exam is just around the corner. with my family's matter. especially with my own progression as a human. a real-human. a muslimah.

i might give u bad perception of islam by not being so-friendly, by being so silent with the new ones, by being so-called selfish behavior through dull emotion potrayed in my face, by easily getting mad and not so organized. That's my weaknesses, dont blame it on religious i ve faith in, but blame me. incomplete puzzle.

my fragile heart. do strong. so believe Allah's promises. ujian adalah utk mentarbiyyah jiwa agar kuat. agar utuh dan gagah. agar suatu hari nanti kita kan jadi manusia hamba yg terbilang di mata Allah. insyaAllah.

problem is my friend. as long as Allah is on my side. i dont have reason to be sad. =)

Sunday, November 07, 2010


baru tadi, ada sesuatu megusik jiwa, membibitkan amarah diri, tercuit ketidak puasan hati. hanya kerana, sesuatu tidak berlaku seperti yang diingini, totally different from expectation.

jangan marah. jangan marah. jangan marah. 3 kali penekanan Rasulullah tentang kawalan emosi terhadap amarah mungkin yg terbaik buat diri sebentar tadi. lupa tentang adanya akal. alpa tentang saranan bersabar. cuai tentang prinsip bhwa setiap manusia berbeza dan kita tidak pernah layak untuk mengawal manusia melakukan apa yg kita kehendaki. kita cuma hamba. layakkan seorang hamba menyuruh hamba yg lain? kita bukan Tu_an. tidak pernah sesekali punya kuasa itu.

beristighfar. berwudhuk. bangun. jalan. duduk. baring. jalan keluar terbaik as Islam teaches me to do whenever i get angry or out of control. it is a 'time-out'. it gives u some space to reflect yourself. to calm ur feeling. to gain your rationality. and im glad to be just silent during my 'time-out' as i wont be able to hurt people verbally. im sorry.

blh juga guling2. melukis. g masak. atau take your shower. it gives u extra time mcm sy slalu bt. mintak maaf housemate lm dlm shower. hehehehe =)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


i found this days ago at uni musolla. it truly benefits me. and i want to share with you. can i? =)