Sunday, January 29, 2012

forgive me, pleaaaseee?

forgive me, please? do you?

i know lately, i get so annoyed and be annoying

i did not be able to tolerate, be patient, and did not do or finish my work

i am bad


and i don't like the way i am right now
so annoying

mr.tunang, kakya, mak, abah

i know all of you hate me right now

could you please give me a second chance?

Thursday, January 26, 2012


tengahari td,

baru perasan, akhir-akhir ini kesabaran setipis buih

sering-sering marah tanpa batasan, mengomel tak berhenti

then, petang tadi baru dpt iktibar

bahawa natijah tidak sabar

adalah lebih teruuuuukkkk

berbanding sabar

faham x? -.-

contohnya, bila anda marah mak masak tak sedap

then ngomel2, sambil hentak kaki, mak pon marah lalu bg makanan pd pengemis

natijah tak sabar: dh lapo x makan, mak marah pd kamooo

natijah sabar: perut kenyang, mak sayang walaupun makanan hari itu tak kena selera kamu


Sunday, January 22, 2012


menghadapi gerbang ini

tak tahu mengapa Allah sajikan aku

dengan cerita-cerita negatif perkahwinan

tangis, duka dan lara tentangnya


aku memang belum mengerti pahitnya

dan aku harap Allah membantu aku sepanjang perjalanan ini

O Allah, tawakalkanlah hati ini

bersihkan jiwa ini dari prasangka

moga ia hanya berharap pada redha dan restu-MU

.ku harap dia juga begitu.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

pissed off.

pissed off

sangat-sangat la haiiii~Ya RABBI!

tahu x bile kita bt research, kita ade part terminology? or apa2 perkataan biasanya kita akan cuba define it. kan? kan?

rasa-rasalah kenapa org bijak pandai anugerah Allah bt PHD master bagai fikir it is a must to define some terminology that you are going to use in your research proposal?

everyone has different background that moulds their understanding and perspective. Therefore, it is crucially important for me and every human in this world to try to help other people to understand what we mean, by helping them to know message we convey.

dear, it is not about norm, you can't blame people if they don't and can't understand you.

or is it because there are times I did that to others?

do reflect yourself 'atiqah

Friday, January 13, 2012


it will be just another few weeks

just around the corner

i could not able to say it to anyone

or cry on any shoulder

that feeling

it is not sadness that paints my heart

it is not hatred that covers it

it is not everything that usually made me cry

it is just something

that i do really worry

please. please. please.

"jadikan aku wanita syurga"

"yg kenal benar maharku"

"yg tahu apa erti taat pada laku"

"yg indah pd maksudnya"

.Ya Rabbi, bantulah aku.

.tunjukkan aku jalanMU.

-lafaz sakinah

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

be realistic

.be realistic.

today, we had some simple discussion with our new mentor, Mdm Wan, and introduced ourselves to the extent of 'why we are getting married in this such young age?' and 'are you already sure that you have met the cream of the cream of best man out there?'

oh, yeah. i'm not sure to be honest and truthful. no body of us can be sure of that. if i do it means that i have been living like 100years and that's not even enough in way to investigate who is the man. but in this world of mystery and surprise, i solely hoping that God will help me along the way.

If He decides to let me marry young, that is His way teaching me of responsibility.

If He wants me to be extra tough, then He will give me some burden to bear.

If He wishes to grant me blissful life, He teaches me to expect the unexpected.

Things are only happen

.When He really thinks I am capable of living it.

seek no other than HIS-bless